
Kinesiology (kin-easy-ology)

Kinesiology is the study of how the body works.  Applied kinesiology is a holistic therapy that uses the various postural muscles of the body to find out what is wrong with the body and what it needs to get better.

It is the only therapy that can deal with all aspects of the body at once: nutritional, structural, electromagnetic and emotional.

As the primary therapy used at Chivers Therapies, all your needs will be determined using its various methods.   You will not be asked to remove any clothing, but you are required to wear comfortable trousers.

Testing usually involves the leg or arm muscles.   Briefly, to test, you are asked to gently resist the push or pull of the therapists pressure.   Thereafter, items may be introduced by being placed next to your body and your muscle(s) retested to determine the results.  If your muscle goes weak i.e. you can not hold against the therapist’s pressure, this usually indicates that the body is rejecting the substance.

It is possible to test for almost anything regarding the body including: digestive issues; thyroid imbalances; back pain and its source; food intolerances and allergies; what types of food your body prefers;  vitamin and mineral deficiencies; various toxins and much, much more.  Then, to either correct imbalances or reduce symptoms by re-balancing the body.

A correction of any imbalance can come in the form of briefly touching or tapping certain areas of the body to form an electromagnetic connection (usually the face), structural manipulation such as gently pushing or pulling on various bones of the body or taking some supplements which you will then need to purchase separately from various available sources.

Once the session is over, you are strongly advised to return for at least one other session to ensure that the corrections are holding and, if necessary, to make adjustments.